Monday, September 20, 2010

Papa and Grammy Davenport

This weekend was packed with many family activities.  Nick's parents, along with his grandfather came into town.  It was so nice to see them.  The kids were excited to spend some time with them.  Great Papa Anderson lives in California and Grammy and Papa Davenport live in Idaho.  This was a nice treat since we will not have the chance to visit with them during the Christmas season.  It started off Saturday morning when Grammy and Papa picked up the kids and headed off to the Dairy Farm up north where there was a fair.  There were rides, a petting zoo, animals that you could ride on, mazes made from hay bales and more.  Some of the highlights that the kids enjoyed were jumping off of hay bales (you can imagine who that was), pony rides, Tori and Jackson on a camel ride, the petting zoo, and the mechanical bull ride.  Yes, James and his cousin Preston mastered the mechanical bull!  However, today, James walks a little different as his legs are incredibly sore. 
Towards the evening, we went to Uncle Jerry's house and celebrated Nick's dads 70th birthday with a BBQ and all the family.  It was a nice time reacquainting ourselves with Nick's cousin's families.  There were lots of kids for my kids to play with.  They all bonded nicely with them. 
Rise and shine Sunday morning started off with a round of golf for Nick, Great Papa, Jerry (different uncle), and Chad (Nick's sister's husband).  We took Preston Saturday night for a sleepover with James and Heather (Nick's sister) came over to watch the kids while I went to work.  Sunday afternoon, another BBQ at Jerry and Helene's house celebrating family time.  Good byes, hugs and kisses were exchanged until summer time when we will take a trip out to Idaho. 
The Harvest Denver church plant is looking great and we are accomplishing much.  At church, I met a new lady who visited one of the open houses and came to the launch team meeting on Sunday.  Her and I hit it off really well.  Its crazy how you can usually find so many things in common with people if you are willing to step out boldly; out of your comfort zone, and communicate.  So, I will be going to Women of Faith with her on Friday.  My mom and I had planned to go this year and I was bummed that I couldn't go.  God is good and faithfully. 
Our pastor, Jeff, talked about rest and letting your burdens (baggage) down. How many times we want to but never let it go.  When old weight (baggage) is lifted, our feeling of freedom and peace is overflowing and the many ways our Lord can use our gifts, abilities, and strengths are abundant.  He talked about handing it over to the Lord and allowing him to take it, in fact he WANTS it.  It was a great reminder to evaluate.  Examine and see what weight is needing to be lifted. I encourage you to do the same.  We are human sinful people and daily removing the baggage allows us to be that much further away from the one who desires to destroy us.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

He also talked about the power of prayer.  It has been amazing to me how prayer has consistently been a new chapter in my life.  When there is a concern, doubt, a blessing, a decision, prayer is what NOW floats in my mind.  It has been the attitude of  "do what I want" or "I can handle it," but the Lord is working in my heart to submit to Him in all my ways.  Being here in Colorado, I have had to do just that.  Relying on Him to get me through the day, or mustard enough energy to venture out of my comfort zone and communicate to an unknown community.  Even though I desire connection, its hard to act upon your desires at times.  So prayer has become contagious in my life and I am blessed to have this free ability. 
We are seeing the Lord's work within this church.  Its neat week after week to see the new people He is bringing to build His church (one of many for His kingdom).  This next week begins the "doing," the hands-on breaking into designated areas of ministry and talking about what that will look like at Harvest Denver.  So you can imagine my excitement as we begin talking about Children's Ministry. 
Thank you for praying for this church plant and for our family and for me as I continue to be strengthened daily in the reality that this is "home"... number two.  :)

Until the next post...Love from me

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