Friday, September 10, 2010

James and Jackson

You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons,
 they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes.
~Walter M. Schirra, Sr.

My sons make my life worth living by just being around them! The are full of energy, imagination, life, fullness, laughter, and most importantly love!  James has no fear in holding my hand as we walk to school.  I find pure joy in knowing that he loves me as his mom.  The hugs that he gives me as he waits in his class line begins my morning and as he proudly introduces me to his friends as "This is MY mom" makes my day! My heart breaks at some of his classmates that do not have moms.  James came home one day recently and said, "Mom, I think I'd like to share you with a friend that doesn't have a mom."  What do you say to that, I thought.  Then I responded with, "well JD, lets just share love."  God has been using James' sweet caring spirit as a way to spread His love around.  James' teacher is a Christian woman (Praise God) and has nicknamed James - God's Little Witness.  See James has initiated a "No Bad Word Policy" in his classroom.  He is very concerned and confronts his peers when the Lord's name is used and other non polite words.  He's asked to be the prayer person and has suggested that they pray.  Remind you this is a public school and to him, it doesn't matter.  I just love his boldness!  In a public school a teacher can not initiate, but a student can.  So we will see what evolves.  James came home last week talking about how he shared with a girl in his class about who Jesus was and what Heaven was.  He simple said to me, "she didn't know who Jesus was, so I told her."  He tells it as it is.  I want to be as bold as he is. 
My sonshine Jackson!  I couldn't imagine him and I becoming anymore closer in our mother/son relationship, but we are.  Being able to stay home has been a blessing.  He has the greatest smile, the deepest giggles, the loudest voice, and the warmest hugs. Some of his special words has touched my heart or get me through a tough day are...
"You with me all the time all the time."
"Mommy lay with me please."
"Lets watch Mo Mo movies."
and the best of all "I love you Mommy, all times all times."

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