Thursday, August 26, 2010


"Even great towers start at ground level" 
Author - Unknown
Do you ever think of a tower starting from ground level?  I usually do not. I think about how big and high a tower is, or how many floors are in the tower, or even what unique structural work goes into building a tower.  I never think of individuals meeting together in a conference room outlining the process of how a tower will be built from the ground up, level by level.  I don't think about the unique gifts that these individuals represent, or the many hours, months, or years it takes to complete the tower. 
Today, I realized that my journey is like a tower starting at ground level.  I am going on my 28th day living in Colorado and the tower continues.  I'm just thankful that I have a God who already knows what my tower will look like once it is built. :) 

Its been a while since I have written, so let me fill you in on me, Nick and the kiddos.  Building from the ground level is definitely team work.  Nick and I have become a great team.  Since we don't know a lot of people, we rely on each other for everything.  He is excelling in his job and still enjoying it!  He has been in several golf tournaments and has done well. In his spare time, he is enjoying biking, dirt bike riding, and has been organizing the garage and getting the basement situated for winter.  Yes, winter!  We live in an area where we can either have very little snow or have much.  So we will see what this winter provides.

Thinking about the beginnings of a ground breaking there are machines, dirt, rocks, messiness, and affirmation that things are going as planned.  James and Tori are in this ground breaking stage.  Their school has been a great machine to guide them in feeling welcomed and safe.  Tori is doing great in Kindergarten.  She has a wonderful teacher and has made some friends.  Her favorite things to do is to go to the school Library and get a new book each week and enjoys her speciality classes (PE, Music, Art, and Science).  James has experience a little more of the dirt and rocks. Although he is doing great, he is trying to adjust to friends and the routine of a new school.  As a second grader it can be messy, but I admire him for his prayer life in the morning, working hard in doing and being the best he can, and for distinguishing what a friend is.  James has been enjoying hitting/putting golf balls with his dad.  We will be starting him in golf lessons soon and he also enjoys going to the track and riding his dirk bike.  Tori Lynn is getting interested in piano and wants to take gymnastic, so we will be looking into that as well.  Jackson is Jackson.  Spunky and knows what he wants.  He enjoys going to the park in the mornings, playing with children his age, loves riding his bike and being out in the garage with his dad.  He is a tool boy!  And I would say, he loves being with his mommy! 

So things are going as planned and our tower continues...

1 comment:

  1. Golf Lessons - YES Grandpa will be thrilled to hear that...maybe there is a Christmas gift in there somewhere!!! And a big yes to piano lessons. New beginnings are good and exciting to watch how God weaves things together. Remember every solid building starts with a good foundation. God is your rock and everything is built on that. Loving you guys, miss you much!
